LPP Empower

Last Updated: 2012.01.26
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This is a script for Lunatic Parameters Package Effects with power up themed boosts. The script provides the ability to increase a stat based on how high or low HP, MP, or TP is, whether or not an actor, class, or enemy type is present or absent. For those with Mr. Bubbles’ Gender Functions script, you can also increase parameters based on how many male, female, or genderless members are in the battler’s party.

Install this script under YEA – Lunatic Parameters. Then, proceed to use the proper effects notetags to apply the proper LPP Empower item desired. Look within the script for more instructions on how to use each effect.

Empower Effect No.1: Low HP/MP/TP

The lower the battler’s HP/MP/TP, the bigger the boost to the param. For every 1% stat is missing from the max, the battler gains a +x% boost to the specified stat.

<custom param: low stat +x%>
<custom param: low stat -x%>

Replace param with one of the following: MAXHP, MAXMP, ATK, DEF, MAT, MDF, AGI, LUK, or ALL

Replace stat with HP, MP, or TP. There will be no effect to the parameter if it matches the stat.

Empower Effect No.2: High HP/MP/TP

The higher the battler’s HP/MP/TP, the bigger the boost to the param. For every 1% stat is filled relative to max, the battler gains a +x% boost to the specified stat.

<custom param: high stat +x%>
<custom param: high stat -x%>

Replace param with one of the following: MAXHP, MAXMP, ATK, DEF, MAT, MDF, AGI, LUK, or ALL

Replace stat with HP, MP, or TP. There will be no effect to the parameter if it matches the stat.

Empower Effect No.3: Actor Present

This will increase the battler’s stats if actor x is present in battle (meaning that if the actor is in the reserves or hasn’t joined this effect will not take effect).

<custom param: present actor x +y%>
<custom param: present actor x -y%>

Replace param with one of the following: MAXHP, MAXMP, ATK, DEF, MAT, MDF, AGI, LUK, or ALL

Replace x with the desired actor’s ID.
Replace y with the bonus percent applied.

Empower Effect No.4: Actor Absent

This will increase the battler’s stats if actor x is absent in battle (meaning that if the actor is in the reserves or hasn’t joined this effect will take effect).

<custom param: absent actor x +y%>
<custom param: absent actor x -y%>

Replace param with one of the following: MAXHP, MAXMP, ATK, DEF, MAT, MDF, AGI, LUK, or ALL

Replace x with the desired actor’s ID.
Replace y with the bonus percent applied.

Empower Effect No.5: Class Present

This will increase the battler’s stats if class x is present in battle meaning that if there is an actor with class x in battle, the battler’s stats will increase.

<custom param: present class x +y%>
<custom param: present class x -y%>

Replace param with one of the following: MAXHP, MAXMP, ATK, DEF, MAT, MDF, AGI, LUK, or ALL

Replace x with the desired class’s ID.
Replace y with the bonus percent applied.

Empower Effect No.6: Class Absent

This will increase the battler’s stats if class x is absent in battle meaning that if there is an actor with class x in battle, the battler’s stats will not increase.

<custom param: absent class x +y%>
<custom param: absent class x -y%>

Replace param with one of the following: MAXHP, MAXMP, ATK, DEF, MAT, MDF, AGI, LUK, or ALL

Replace x with the desired class’s ID.
Replace y with the bonus percent applied.

Empower Effect No.7: Enemy Present

This will increase the battler’s stats if enemy x is present in battle meaning that if there is an enemy type of x in battle, the battler’s stats will increase.

<custom param: present enemy x +y%>
<custom param: present enemy x -y%>

Replace param with one of the following: MAXHP, MAXMP, ATK, DEF, MAT, MDF, AGI, LUK, or ALL

Replace x with the desired enemy’s ID.
Replace y with the bonus percent applied.

Empower Effect No.8: Enemy Absent

This will increase the battler’s stats if enemy x is absent in battle meaning that if there is an enemy type of x in battle, the battler’s stats will not increase.

<custom param: absent enemy x +y%>
<custom param: absent enemy x -y%>

Replace param with one of the following: MAXHP, MAXMP, ATK, DEF, MAT, MDF, AGI, LUK, or ALL

Replace x with the desired enemy’s ID.
Replace y with the bonus percent applied.

Empower Effect No.9: Gender Power

This function requires Mr. Bubbles’ Gender Functions script installed to work. This will increase the battler’s parameter by x% for every specified gender in the battler’s party.

<custom param: girl power +x%>
<custom param: guy power +x%>
<custom param: sairen power +x%>

Replace param with one of the following: MAXHP, MAXMP, ATK, DEF, MAT, MDF, AGI, LUK, or ALL

Replace x with the bonus percent applied.

And that’s all, folks!

21 comments on “LPP Empower

  1. Nice script, it’d be awesome if you could have them activate via switches or variables though. It’d really help convey the party dynamics into battle.

      • Lunatic Fairy believes the main reason behind the packages is to give an example of how lunatic mode works! Lunatic Fairy believes that Yanfly intentionally doesn’t give everybody everything in lunatic mode because Yanfly wants people to learn and experiment for themselves. Lunatic Fairy is also in awe of this wonderful script and its possibilities.

  2. Pingback: More Terrence Stuff! | Division Heaven

  3. i set like this at actor 1 :

    when actor 1&2 join in a battle, i let actor 2 leave(i use your “Command Party”)
    and it shows actor 1’s HP overflow. what can i do ?


  4. I had an error “StackSystemError Stack level too deep” when using metaclass to alias load_database into load_database_lpar. I noticed the whole Data_Manager part of the script is exactly the same as in Lunatic Parameter script. Being a duplicate I removed it and the error disappeared. I suppose that is the solution.

  5. Could you add a enemy tag addon for this?
    Basically the enemy note tag would have one or more type settings.
    IE: Bat would have the following types: Rodent, Flying, Nocturnal
    The new parameters would be like the tags.

    So say a party member has a fear of spiders so they would loose %damage.
    Another party member might really hate snakes and would gain %damage per snake enemy present.
    (Actually this could be used on lots of different features.)

  6. Heya! Nice script!
    I was wondering if theres a way I can set it up so the slope/scale isn’t so steep. I’m using the tag “” so when the actor is at 50% life his attack will also be 50%. I tried “” and “” which I thought would give me 75% attack at 50% life but, all it did was give me 100% attack at any life. :c

  7. Wouldn’t it be possible if the effects only activate at a certain percentage? Let’s say for example while a character as 35% or less than their HP their max TP becomes 150 for example.

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