Parameter Bonus Growth

Last Updated: 2012.01.25
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This script provides a new custom trait for actors, classes, equipment, and even states. When an actor levels up with a parameter growth trait, they will permanently gain a bonus to that particular parameter. These bonuses are maintained even upon switching classes.

Note: Starting a new game with characters above level 1 does not trigger any stat growth bonuses.

Insert these notetags into the noteboxes of either actors, classes, weapons, armours, or states.

<stat growth: +x>
<stat growth: -x>

This causes the stat to grow by +x or -x upon the actor leveling up. All stat growth bonuses are cumulative across anything that provides this trait. x can be either an integer or a decimal. Replace stat with one of the following: MAXHP, MAXMP, ATK, DEF, MAT, MDF, AGI, LUK

And that’s all, folks!

29 comments on “Parameter Bonus Growth

  1. Pingback: Charge Turn Battle is out!!! « Yami World

  2. So, this can give variety to characters so that they are not the same in different classes. For instance, with this script, if Eric is turned into a wizard, he won’t get Isabelle’s stats as he would if this script or something similar isn’t used?

  3. Bug report: Every time you change classes(if you aren’t maintaining levels), it automatically gives that growth to the character, by the difference between the two. I.E. If you’re a level 21 warrior, and a level 1 wizard, every time you switch from wizard to warrior, you gain 20 levels worth of growth.

  4. I second that too – that part is buggy. I actually encountered an occasion when changing classes permanently reduces a stat to 1 (it’s lowest possible value?)

    • I have the same problem. For instance, I have a class that gives +10 HP and one class that gives +10 MP. When I level up once in the HP class and switch to the other class, it reduces the second class’s MP by 10 as if it were de-levelling that class.

      The problem gets worse if you level up in a different class and then switch to a class with an HP bonus — The lost HP can make the hero’s HP 1 or 0 and actually make the character faint. A fix would be appreciated.

  5. After staring at the coding for a while and trying a couple different things, I fixed the problem! The issue was because the script was not checking whether the class change was the cause of the level up or not.

    [spoiler]It may not be the best way to do things, but I fixed it by creating a global bool variable, $new_class and initially set it to false.

    Then, in your YEA Class System script, update_param_window and the on_class_ok methods, you simply modify things like this:

    update_param_window portion:
    when :primary
    $new_class = true
    temp_actor.change_class(class_id, YEA::CLASS_SYSTEM::MAINTAIN_LEVELS)
    $new_class = false

    on_class_ok portion:
    when :primary
    $new_class = true
    @actor.change_class(class_id, maintain)
    $new_class = false

    (Note: I only use primary classes in my game. If you have subclasses, you would have to change that portion as well.)

    Then, head to your YEA – Parameter Bonus Growth script and modify this line:

    apply_param_bonus_growth if (last_level != @level)
    to this:
    apply_param_bonus_growth if (last_level != @level and $new_class != true)

    You can also modify the de-levelling one if you wish, but I simply commented that out.

    With that in place it should work, but this is only if you are also using the YEA Class system as well as bonus stats. Once again, it is probably not the optimal way to do things but I am only a novice at Ruby and after fooling around with this for a couple of hours trying to get it to work I am pooped. Enjoy your working script! [/spoiler]

      • I’m still having this problem, and sadly.. That didn’t work!
        I also have this one: Bug report: Every time you change classes(if you aren’t maintaining levels), it automatically gives that growth to the character, by the difference between the two. I.E. If you’re a level 21 warrior, and a level 1 wizard, every time you switch from wizard to warrior, you gain 20 levels worth of growth.


  6. “[spoiler]It may not be the best way to do things, but I fixed it by creating a global bool variable, $new_class and initially set it to false.”

    Where and how do you make this?

    • Just put,
      $new_class = false

      at the top of any script, I made a separate one for defining custom global variables.

  7. is there a way to change these stats in game? like through an event
    For example: new game plus reset starts your character to lvl 0 but a percentage of stats are added (based off your stats when you finished the game)
    or like Disgaea’s transmigration system.

  8. Pingback: My Introduction to RPG Maker VX ACE | RPG Maker VX ACE Information

  9. The one thing I want to know is will the bonus stats allow you to push beyond the limits if used with the Adjust Limits script?

    I plan to test that soon. Will reply to this message with the results.

    *Fingers crossed*

  10. Can you set the base equations to x/x where x is just a base value and the formula doen’t change anything and then just use this to gain stat vales per level. I’m not a big fan of the methods they use.

  11. Hello, will there be an official patch or something for the bug ( the one were the stat growth messes up if your not maintaining level, using your class/sub script.)? I just like the thought of you actually be the one with the fix.

  12. Wow. Your scripts are awesome.

    I know this may seem a a strange request – is there an easy way to make this system affect ONLY a given party member? Specifically, the first one?

    • You just need to add these tags only to this specific actor. Or add these tags in equipment specific for this actor, etc.
      Beyond that, I can’t tell.

  13. That would be one, painful, way to do it. I am a programmer by trade, but still new to Ruby, so I wasn’t sure how hard it would be. Turns out that the script was not so complicated and I was able to simply put a wrapper around the growth function that checks to see which actor is being leveled up. If it’s not the main character, they don’t get the extra growth. If anyone is interested, I can post the change I made.

  14. Awesome script, but I have a couple questions.
    1 )Does anyone know if this can be used to replace the default growth curve of each class? Im thinking of I set all the stats to 0 in the database and just incrementing the stats by a flat number each level.
    2) can this be used to create Items that will provide a permanent stats boost? For example an item called “ATK Up” that increases atk by 5.

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