Call Event

Last Updated: 2011.12.14
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This is a reproduced method from RPG Maker 2000 and RPG Maker 2003. It allows the game to call a page’s events as if it were a common event. These events can be drawn from any event on any map within the game.

call_event(event_id, page_id)
call_event(event_id, page_id, map_id)

Replace event_id, page_id, and map_id with the ID’s of the actual events. To find out the event_id, double click the event to open up the event editor window. The ID should show up in the upper left corner. The page_id is the page the event is on. The first page is 1, not 0. The map_id can be found by opening the map properties window and it’ll show up in the title bar.

If the page ID is not present in the call event, the page will automatically be assumed to be page 1.

If the map ID is not present in the call event, the map the player is currently on will be used instead.

11 comments on “Call Event

  1. Lol I did it too yesterday. Although it was just the basic call event on the same map. This function was great, never understood why Enterbrain didn’t reproduced it on later makers.

  2. is it possible to access other events self switches with this? self switches from called events affect the originating event instead of the called event

  3. Could you make it so, if we would use -1 as page_id, it would execute page which have all page conditions satisfied (i.e. as we would execute it normally)? Anyway it is great script and I’ll use it for sure!

  4. I’m trying to bring the tactical battle system movement form Kazesui: into RPG Maker VX Ace using your Call Event Script for the old Call Event command. But I always get the error: “Stack Level to deep”. This error occurs in Event MoveCells ID:37 on the third page. Events 2 – 89 are all the same. The Event Commands are:
    Control Variables: 0022: Cell Ptr +1
    Set Event Location: This Event (001, 000)
    call_event($game_variables[22], $game_variables[25])

    Is it even possible to recreate this system in vx ace?


    • Hey Nefertari,

      I know this is literally a year later, but the Stack Level Too Deep error must be with another script, or maybe you have a script duplicate.
      I started a new project and only used this script with no errors. I’m also using
      “call_event($game_variables[n], $game_variables[n])” and it works perfectly.

      Hope that helps

      \r Yeti

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